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Amos Clifford

Amos Clifford is the founder of the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs and author of the best selling Your Guide to Forest Bathing (Conari Press 2018). Amos founded ANFT in 2012 and began offering training for guides in 2014. He is inspired by the question, "What can be done to build authentic relationships between as many people as possible with the more-than-human world." He is the primary designer of the Standard Sequence of Forest Therapy taught globally by ANFT and other forest therapy training organizations. Amos holds a BS in Organization Development and an MA in Counseling from the University of San Francisco.


  • My schedule or time zone makes prevents me from attending the scheduled walks and zoom meetings. Can I still participate?

    Yes. Each session will be recorded and made available for participants. You can listen and participate as your schedule permits. This includes guided walks; you can take recordings of guided walks with you into a forest or natural area of your choice.

  • What materials will I need?

    You will need a notebook large enough to draw in, and some supplies to draw in color. Also there are two required books and two recommended books. In addition you will need a quiet place to listen to the talks and to participate via chat during the Zoom meetings.

  • What if I can't get to a forest?

    A great deal of this course has to do with cultivating the alchemical power of the imaginal sense. You have a forest inside you already. You'll learn to work within the imaginal forest, and ideally how to blend the imaginal forest with an actual forest or other natural landscape--even a garden will do--to activate the alchemical powers of nature.

  • Will there be assignments?

    In forest therapy we work with "invitations" rather than assignments. There are no grades. A basic principle of reciprocity applies: the more you put into this work, the more the work will give back to you. I encourage you to accept all invitations; it's OK to modify them to suit your personality but try to understand and keep within the spirit of the invitation. They are given for a reason, and often new invitations will build on those that have been been given previously.

  • By completing this course will I earn certification from ANFT as a forest therapy guide?

    No. This course does not prepare people to guide in same way that our six-month Guide Training course does. So you will not be certified as a guide after completing it. However, it will give you useful tools for your personal practice. And if you are already leading workshops or working with groups of people you will likely acquire some interesting tools to support your work. If you do decide to complete training as a guide this course will give you a head start.

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