Course Description

The course will start with a preparatory / orientation module followed by the three phases of the ANFT Forest Therapy Journey: Threshold of Connection; Liminality & the Threshold of Incorporation from a guiding in cold, winter weather lens. Gain awareness of different gear and offerings that can bring warmth such as having the logistics of tending a fire, to heated rocks, to snowshoeing and much more.

The four pre-recorded modules allow participants to go at their own pace. Each module includes:  Videos, Hot Tips for Cold Weather, Cold Weather Connections (Exploratory Prompts) to grow your cold weather guiding practice.


This course is self paced. 

Cost: US$98.00

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module 1 - Preparations for Guiding in Winter & Cold Weather

    • Module 1 - Stana's Welcome to the Course - Video (1:35)

    • Module 1 - Welcome & Orientation to How This Course Works

    • Module 1 - Introductory Video to This Module on Preparations (1:28)

    • Module 1 - Hot Tips for Cold Weather

    • Module 1 - Having a Fire Video (2:38)

    • Module 1 - Preparatory Participant Communications Template & Videos (1:44) & (5:26)

    • Module 1 - Safety First & Guide Gear Considerations Video (4:29)

    • Module 1 - Cold Weather Connections - Exploratory Prompts

  • 2

    Module 2 Threshold of Connection

    • Module 2 - Introductory Video to this Module on the Threshold of Connection (0.31)

    • Module 2 - Hot Tips for Cold Weather

    • Module 2 - Lying Down POP to Awaken the Senses (7:08)

    • Module 2 - POP to Awaken the Senses by the Fire (6:52)

    • Module 2 - WIM with Lanterns at Night (2:27)

    • Module 2 - WIM Video By the Fire (1:58)

    • Module 2 - POP to Awaken the Senses With Fire (6:52)

    • Module 2 - Cold Weather Connections - Exploratory Prompts

  • 3

    Module 3 Liminality

    • Module 3 - Introductory Video to Liminality in Cold Weather (0.47)

    • Module 3 - Hot Tips for Cold Weather

    • Module 3 - LIminality - Collection of Winter Invitations

    • Module 3 - Warm Rock Invitation Video (1:20)

    • Module 3 - Wander or Sit spot With a Lantern Invitation Video (2:04)

    • Module 3 - Be With the Snow Invitation Video (1:35)

    • Module 3 - Lanterns as the Guide for a Wander Invitation Video (3:56)

    • Module 3 - Cold Weather Connections - Exploratory Prompts

  • 4

    Module 4 Threshold of Incorporation

    • Module 4 - Introductory Video to the Module on Closing (0.34)

    • Module 4 - Hot Tips for Cold Weather

    • Module 4 - Tea Setting Up in the Cold Video (1:19)

    • Module 4 - Tea at Night Video (0.59)

    • Module 4 - Cold Weather Connections - Exploratory Prompts

    • Module 4 - Gratitude

    • Module 4 - Thank you and Course Closing Video (0.57)

    • Module 4 - Course Feedback


  • Do I have to be a Forest Therapy Guide to take this course?

    Yes, this course is meant for Forest Therapy Guides who are interested in exploring guiding in winter and cold weather.

  • Why take this course?

    If you are curious about guiding Forest Therapy Walks in cold and winter weather then this course offers you the insights and best practices from a certified ANFT Guide and Trainer who has been guiding Forest Therapy walks for all ages since 2016 and facilitating nature connection opportunities and teaching for over 25 years in cold and winter weather.

  • How much time should I expect to put in to this experience?

    You are welcome to explore the modules at whatever pace and amount of time feels best to you. The course is set up to follow a four module exploration. You might spend around 2 hours more or less per module. However you might either want to shorten or extend the learning journey for each module. It all depends on your learning style and what serves you best in your guiding practice. It also depends on how much prior experience you have with guiding in cold weather. It is important to note that this is a stand alone course where there are no cohorts or live sessions.


Mentor, Trainer

Stana Luxford Oddie

Stana is an certified ANFT Guide (cohort 6, 2016) and Trainer (2018) based in Canada. She is now in her twenty-third year as the Senior Conservation Educator for Cataraqui Conservation. Inspired by Earth Education, 8 Shields - Coyote's Guide to Nature Connection, the Forest Schools movement, and all the beings she has met, Stana facilitates and holds space for all ages, to experience nature connection that touch the head, heart and hands. Through Cataraqui Conservation, Stana guides in-person and remotely guided Forest Therapy Walks for private and public organizations, as well as offering guided Forest Therapy experiences to elementary and secondary school aged children and youth. Cataraqui Conservation was the first conservation authority in Ontario to offer Forest Therapy. Stana received her BA from the University of Waterloo in 1998, in the Applied Studies Co-op program with extensive outdoor and environmental education, English as a Second Language and Camp experience during co-op placements. She completed her degree at Waterloo with an Honours in History and teachable subjects in English and Geography. She is a certified OCT teacher with additional qualifications for exceptional students. Stana earned her Bachelor of Education from Queen's University in 1999 from the Outdoor and Experiential Education Program. Stana spends much of her time out on the land, most often accompanied by her dog and sometimes the company of her son, partner, mother and friends. Her work related to Forest Therapy and her growing mindfulness and embodiment practices continue to open her heart and deepen her relationship with all Beings.