Course curriculum

  • 1

    Preparation Module - Introduction to this course

    • In this course you will learn...

    • How Thinkific works

    • Module's Overview

  • 2

    Module 1 - What is Forest Bathing - Perspectives from around the Globe

    • Learning Objectives

    • Makiko from Japan shares about Forest Bathing

    • Phyllis from Hawaii tells us her story

    • Raul from Guatemala shares his perspective on Forest Bathing

    • Michele from Australia shares her enthusiasm about forest bathing

    • What is Forest Bathing - Shinrin Yoku? Amos Clifford explains

    • Video: Amos Clifford Introduces Your Guide to Forest Bathing

    • 10 other great books on Forest Bathing and Nature Connection

  • 3

    Module 2 - History and Background of Forest Bathing

    • The beginnings - Shinrin-Yoku in Japan

    • The Core story of the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT)

    • Shinrin-Yoku, Forest Bathing and Forest Therapy

  • 4

    Module 3 - Health Benefits of Forest Bathing

    • Biophilia

    • Main Studied Health Benefits

    • Relaxation, Forest Bathing and the Human Nervous System

    • Phytoncides, the Immune System and Forest Bathing

    • Attention Restoration Theory and Forest Bathing

  • 5

    Module 4 - The health of the planet – remembering our relationship with the Earth

    • How Forest Bathing impacts the way we relate to nature

    • What does reciprocity mean to you?

  • 6

    Module 5 - Where can I practice Forest Bathing?

    • Where can I practice Forest Bathing?

    • Why having a guide is beneficial

    • I want to go on a Forest Bathing walk with a certified guide

    • Certified Trails, Spaces and Places

  • 7

    Module 6 - Get to know your land

    • Questions to guide your meeting with the land

    • Tips to get yourself grounded in the place

    • Be mindful of awarenesses

  • 8

    Module 7- Let's Experience Forest Bathing! NOT READY

    • Guidelines to Forest bathing before you start

    • Forest Bathing Sequence Recording

    • Some ideas for further invitations to try on your own

    • Join a Discovery Forest Bathing Retreat

  • 9

    Module 8 - Only got 10 minutes? No problem!

    • VIDEO: Introduction to Sitspot

    • Sitspot Invitations

    • Nature Mandalas

  • 10

    Module 9 - You liked it? What's next!

    • Participate in an in-person or a remotely guided Forest Bathing walk

    • Join a Discovery Forest Bathing Retreat

    • Want to take it a step further and become a guide?

    • Your feedback is super important to us! Please give us a few minutes of your time


Mentor, Trainer

Manuela Siegfried

Manuela Siegfried was born and raised in this beautiful, bio diverse country called Costa Rica. Having a biologist as a father, Manuela experienced contact with nature as an intrinsic part of her life. This passion led her to work as a naturalist tourism guide and in the tourism industry for 15 over years. She came across the concept of Shinrin-Yoku and the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy and immediately felt inspired and related to it. Manuela was trained and certified in 2018 and has been guiding very actively since then. As a trainer she has trained and mentored people from all over the world. She served as one of the main trainers for the first bilingual training in Puerto Rico. She has been the main promoter of trainings in Spanish, making this practice accessible to all Spanish-speaking countries. Currently she is the training director for the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy.