Course Description

This self-paced course will guide you step by step through the process of organizing a Nature Retreat. 

It will cover important aspects like choosing the right location and time of the year, selecting the right venue, calculating the costs in order to make your retreat profitable and finally some ideas and tips on how to promote your retreat. 

There are many retreats offered every year all around the World. How can you make yours stand out? This is also covered in the content and will give you many ideas. Paying extra attention to the little details, making your guests feel really special is definitely key. 

The course also contains practical checklists and a downloadable calculation template that will help you think of every aspect involved in the cost. 


Mentor, Trainer

Manuela Siegfried

Manuela Siegfried was born and raised in this beautiful, bio diverse country called Costa Rica. Having a biologist as a father, Manuela experienced contact with nature as an intrinsic part of her life. This passion led her to work as a naturalist tourism guide and in the tourism industry for 15 over years. She came across the concept of Shinrin-Yoku and the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy and immediately felt inspired and related to it. Manuela was trained and certified in 2018 and has been guiding very actively since then. As a trainer she has trained and mentored people from all over the world. She served as one of the main trainers for the first bilingual training in Puerto Rico. She has been the main promoter of trainings in Spanish, making this practice accessible to all Spanish-speaking countries. Currently she is the training director for the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome and Orientation to this Course

    • Welcome

    • How this course Works

    • Course Overview

    • My contact information - Reach out anytime

    • Join the whatsapp group and support each other

    • Thinkific Tutorial

  • 2

    Why a Nature Retreat?

    • Why a Nature Retreat?

    • Article: Forbes - Nature, Wellness, And Giving Back Are Trending For 2021 Travel

    • Travel trends for 2022 according to different sources

    • Is a Nature Retreat a Wellness Retreat?

    • Assignment: What are your motivations and ideas for a nature retreat?

  • 3

    Choosing the Location and right Time of the Year

    • Choosing the right Location

    • Choosing the Right Location with Checklist

    • Assignment: Explore and assess different locations depending on the different seasons

  • 4

    Choosing the Right Venue for your Retreat

    • Choosing the right venue

    • Choosing the right venue with Checklist

    • Assignment: Explore and Assess different venues in your chosen location

  • 5

    A unique and special retreat

    • The little details that make your retreat special

    • Making your retreat special - taking care of the details

    • Assignment: Make a list of activities that you would like to combine in your retreat

  • 6

    Healthy Numbers - how to make your retreat profitable

    • Healthy Numbers - How to make your retreat profitable

    • Walking you through a Retreat Calculation - Part 1 - Accommodation and Meals

    • Walking you through a Retreat Calculation - Part 2 - Tours and Activities

    • Walking you through a Retreat Calculation - Part 3 - Transportation

    • Walking you through a Retreat Calculation - Part 4 - Various Costs

    • Walking you through a Retreat Calculation - Part 5 - Indirect Costs

    • Your total cost per person - Check before making it public

    • Your profit - Flat rate per person or percentage on cost?

    • Final thoughts on calculation and Price to the public

    • Downloadable Calculation Template

  • 7

    Promotion of your retreat - Finding the right balance

    • Promoting your retreat - what to take into consideration

    • Some free resources to create your promotional material

    • Share your promo material

  • 8


    • Course Evaluation

    • Write a testimonial of this course