Course curriculum

  • 1

    Relational Forest Therapy: Two Presentations by M. Amos Clifford

    • Course Introduction

    • Relational Forest Therapy

    • Relational Forest Therapy: Extended Version

    • The Development of ANFT

    • Your thoughts about "Relational Forest Therapy"

    • Learn More



Amos Clifford

Amos Clifford is the founder of the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs and author of the best selling Your Guide to Forest Bathing (Conari Press 2018). Amos founded ANFT in 2012 and began offering training for guides in 2014. He is inspired by the question, "What can be done to build authentic relationships between as many people as possible with the more-than-human world." He is the primary designer of the Standard Sequence of Forest Therapy taught globally by ANFT and other forest therapy training organizations. Amos holds a BS in Organization Development and an MA in Counseling from the University of San Francisco.